Lesenswertes für Agile Coaches, Scrum Masters, Agile Practitioners, alle an Agilität Begeisterten.


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AGILE REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING Course – Assessing needs correctly – increasing satisfaction!

AGILE REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING COURSE Assess needs correctly – increase satisfaction! One of the main reasons for project failure is unclear or incomplete requirements. Mistakes are often based on communication problems or misunderstandings. To avoid and understand these, needs must be assessed correctly. In this way, the highest amount of value can be created with the

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AGILE REPORTING – Reporting and Planning in the Agile World

AGILE REPORTING COURSE Reporting and planning in the agile world Which metrics can be used in agile projects? Are Story Points and Velocity suitable for reporting and can story points be normalized? How do traditional tools such as Earned Value Analysis fit into agile projects? The answers to these and similar questions can be found

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Advanced Product Owner Online Course – From Product Backlog Manager to Experienced Navigator!

Advanced Product Owner Course From product backlog manager to experienced navigator!This interactive workshop gives you the tools you need to successfully and proactively achieve your product development goals. Next course starts in Tage Stunden Minuten ARRANGE A CONSULTATION Arrange a non-binding consultation Plan the right course for you together with us Navigate with confidence FROM

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CERTIFIED LESS PRACTITIONER® – Scrum and LeSS Framework Online Course

CERTIFIED LeSS PRACTITIONER® COURSE Next course starts in Tage Stunden Minuten You already have experience with individual agile teams? Then the next step is often to roll out the processes and structures to several teams. This extension is understood as agile scaling. Our preferred tool for agile scaling is LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum). This is based

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Agile Reporting – The Course – Reporting in the Agile World

Agile Reporting – The Course Reporting in the Agile World Learn which formulas, data and tools you can use to set up an effective and efficient reporting system. This way, you can lead your project to success and the entire company benefits from reliable data and information. Now at the introductory price of only 415,83€

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Agile Community

Agile Community. Learning from each other, exchanging know-how, networking in the community. As the heart of a vital network, JIPP.IT has access to the best trainers and most interesting personalities in the agile community. A source of inspiration and access to expertise for all agilists and interested parties. YOUTUBE VIDEOS ON THE TOPIC OF AGILITY

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AGILE PROJECT MANAGEMENT FOR BEGINNERS Are you new to project management? Do you have experience with project management, but not yet with agility? You already are a Scrum Master or Product Owner and would like to get to know another aspect of your job? You are in a management position and want to understand agile

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AGILE REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING Course – Assessing needs correctly – increasing satisfaction!

AGILE REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING COURSE Assess needs correctly – increase satisfaction! One of the main reasons for project failure is unclear or incomplete requirements. Mistakes are often based on communication problems or misunderstandings. To avoid and understand these, needs must be assessed correctly. In this way, the highest amount of value can be created with the

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AGILE REPORTING – Reporting and Planning in the Agile World

AGILE REPORTING COURSE Reporting and planning in the agile world Which metrics can be used in agile projects? Are Story Points and Velocity suitable for reporting and can story points be normalized? How do traditional tools such as Earned Value Analysis fit into agile projects? The answers to these and similar questions can be found

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Advanced Product Owner Online Course – From Product Backlog Manager to Experienced Navigator!

Advanced Product Owner Course From product backlog manager to experienced navigator!This interactive workshop gives you the tools you need to successfully and proactively achieve your product development goals. Next course starts in Tage Stunden Minuten ARRANGE A CONSULTATION Arrange a non-binding consultation Plan the right course for you together with us Navigate with confidence FROM

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CERTIFIED LESS PRACTITIONER® – Scrum and LeSS Framework Online Course

CERTIFIED LeSS PRACTITIONER® COURSE Next course starts in Tage Stunden Minuten You already have experience with individual agile teams? Then the next step is often to roll out the processes and structures to several teams. This extension is understood as agile scaling. Our preferred tool for agile scaling is LeSS (Large-Scale Scrum). This is based

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Agile Reporting – The Course – Reporting in the Agile World

Agile Reporting – The Course Reporting in the Agile World Learn which formulas, data and tools you can use to set up an effective and efficient reporting system. This way, you can lead your project to success and the entire company benefits from reliable data and information. Now at the introductory price of only 415,83€

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Agile Community

Agile Community. Learning from each other, exchanging know-how, networking in the community. As the heart of a vital network, JIPP.IT has access to the best trainers and most interesting personalities in the agile community. A source of inspiration and access to expertise for all agilists and interested parties. YOUTUBE VIDEOS ON THE TOPIC OF AGILITY

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AGILE PROJECT MANAGEMENT FOR BEGINNERS Are you new to project management? Do you have experience with project management, but not yet with agility? You already are a Scrum Master or Product Owner and would like to get to know another aspect of your job? You are in a management position and want to understand agile

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