JIPP.IT stands for agility like no other company.

We have gained experience from innumerable coachings, trainings, and projects. We know how to successfully accompany individuals, teams, and organisations on their journey towards agility, in doing so facilitating personal and economic growth.


JIPP.IT sees people as the center of all efforts. Ideally, companies, projects and systems function like organisms, based on people’s ideas and requirements.
This concept can be found in Stafford Beer’s Viable System Model (VSM).
We use VSM and agile methods as the basis of our work.

Years of practical experience of our employees guarantee a strong connection between our different areas of knowledge. Together with our academic and non-academic education, experience and knowledge networking form the stable backbone of JIPP.IT.
This can be proven by project histories, academic degrees, certifications and references, among others in: Project management, IT, Scrum, LeSS, coaching, software development, business, psychology, and more.


Albert Einstein once said:



“Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler!”



He was definitely right about that.



Competence is a very important prerequisite for success.
We can look back on many years of experience in software and hardware development. Together with your experience in your company, we have the necessary expertise to make every project a success. And we know a very important truth: the simpler something becomes, the more fun it is. At a certain point, everything becomes simple enough. Then it’s time to celebrate the result.


march 2009

Foundation of JIPP.IT

JIPP.IT was founded by Wolfgang Richter in Graz

march 2009

May 2009

First employee

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May 2009

august 2009

First customer

First major contract signed with a customer in Austria and deliveries to France, Germany and Saudi Arabia

august 2009

June 2010

We are growing

More than 15 employees work for JIPP.IT

June 2010

June 2010

We are growing

JIPP.IT celebrates its first year with more than 100 guests from industry, business, politics and education

June 2010

July 2010

First product

First product from a partner company added to the portfolio on a license basis

July 2010

August 2010

First product

Start of development of the first own software product; JIPP.IT is listed as an “Innovative Company”

August 2010

May 2011

Conclusion of contract

Conclusion of a contract for change management for Austria’s largest toll system provider

May 2011

November 2011

Win Young Entrepreneur Award

JIPP.IT achieves a place among the TOP 100 for the first time at the “Gewinn Jungunternehmer” Award 2011

November 2011

July 2012

Foundation of subsidiary

Foundation of the subsidiary in Bosnia-Herzegovina

July 2012

November 2012

Win Young Entrepreneur Award

JIPP.IT achieves 20th place in the “Gewinn Jungunternehmer” Award 2012

November 2012

December 2012


Positioning as a “competence center for agile software development”

December 2012

May 2013

Partner in multimedia start-up

JIPP.IT becomes a partner in a multimedia start-up in Vienna

May 2013

February 2014

Styria’s winner in deeds not words

JIPP.IT is Styria’s winner of “Deeds not words” as the most family-friendly company

February 2014
Nina ist die Ansprechpartnerin bei JIPP.IT und kümmert sich um das Marketing und Nachrichten für agile Methoden Workshops, Scrum Master und Product Owner Ausbildungen und LESS Zertifizierungen
Are you interested in a coaching or training?
We look forward to getting to know you.
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