Team coachings

Together we are stronger

Being agile means being adaptable and adapting when necessary. It is often difficult to recognize what adjustments are necessary. Situations, structures and processes can look very different from different perspectives. Team coaching is about developing these perspectives together and finding the best improvements with the help of the insights gained.


As a coaching partner, we help you scrutinize your actions and identify “experiments” – i.e. measures – for gradual improvement.

We even go one step further and take the position of Agile Guides for your team coaching. This means that we help you find the best measures, plan these together with you and are also happy to provide you with specific guidance during implementation. This enables a successful evolution of your employees, teams and organization to ensure a smooth agile transformation.

JIPP.IT ist ihr agiler Coach und Mentor wenn es um das Thema Agile Adoptions geht


We build on models and frameworks such as the Agile Fluency Model, Systemic Coaching, Solution Focused Coaching, team development models such as the Tuckman Model or the 5 Dysfunctions Of A Team. The most important tools in our toolbox, however, are our eyes, ears and years of experience in team development and coaching in a wide range of industries and from many different countries.


Team coaching can take place both remotely and on-site. We have had very good experiences with the following procedures: 

  • Selective support – We work with the teams as observers. We collect findings and provide potential improvement measures in a report.
  • Temporary Ongoing Support – We work with the teams for a specific period of time. As Agile Coach, Agile Master or Scrum Master, we work directly with the teams and repeat this procedure in a certain rhythm, e.g. every 3 months.
  • Ongoing support – We work permanently as Agile Coach, Agile Master, or Scrum Master directly with the teams for a certain period of time, e.g. 6 months. During this time, for example, an internal employee can also be trained as an Agile Master or Scrum Master.


Would you like to make a request for team coaching, haven’t found the right one or need individual coaching? Then send us a message via the contact form, by e-mail or call us directly and together we will find the right coaching for you.

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